The rebuilding has begun with great momentum this week. I have moved on-site pretty much full time, working with Michael Pearson from Bradley Construction and out architects from RBA to finish the project. Some of the more meticulous design details need to be measured again, redrawn and fabricated. And now is when all of the disparate pieces begin to come together. Sound Design and Media, IT Infrastructure, Kitchen Equipment, Furniture, Low Voltage systems, Point Of Sale systems and more.
What has truly made me sit up and take notice during this time is the incredibly skilled level of craftsmanship. Like any renovation, this building has proved a bit challenging at times and we have had to "wing" it on occasion, hand draw sketches, and make adjustments to the plan, based on field measurements and their accuracy. On each occasion, and in every discipline, we have leaned on plumbers, framers, electricians and contractors to come up with solutions to problems, and they have delivered every time with remarkable speed and agility, often making suggestions and improvements to the concept that - taken at absolute value - seem almost imperceptible in their detail, but will prove to make a huge impact on our final product, both aesthetically and operationally.
A word of thanks to these hardworking folks that show a great deal of pride in what they do. Their skills and work ethic are not lost on me. It has been inspirational to witness, and I am proud to have the opportunity work with them and learn from them.
Please talk a look at some of their handiwork below:
Front Counter and Assembly Line with pass thru windows cut:
Looking forward from the rear of the Prep Area:
End of the Counter, where Custom Butcher Block will be mounted:
Offset Corner Detail:
Looking in from the main Entryway. This area is designed to funnel your gaze all the way to the back of the restaurant giving it immediate depth and texture.
The Office:
Door to the patio with the afternoon sun streaming thru. This is one of my favorite little details:
Pass Thru Window, looking into Cook Line and Prep Area in the background:
Dead Fixtures:
Metal Studs:

Copper Pipe and PVC:
View from the street/parking lot. This window will make a huge difference During the day, allowing more light, but it also provides a great view looking to the Northwest back up East Blvd. toward Kenilworth St.
Inside View of above windows:
Patio area with ingeniously designed trench drain to solve a nagging wastewater concern. The grate we chose for the drain makes it appear practically invisible, with small grate openings, as to not catch high heels. THe wastewater plan is an original Michael Pearson design. We are lucky to have Michael as the Superintendent on the job. He is very good at what he does. This whole area, once a major concern, as the entire parking lot slopes towards the patio, will now be bone dry, even in the heaviest rains:
Walk up/Carry out Window. In progress, but we will be "warming" up this area considerably with planters and a big awning. The magnolias and crepe myrtle that surround the patio also create welcome shade in the afternoons:
Sawcutting the trench.
Part of our signage under construction
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